
Utmost Purpose Goals


     We are going to reinforced students language ability and broaden their vision, training up them to use Chinese language and literature proficiency. Our curriculum is holding not only classic but modern, trying to let classical literature blend into the contemporary literature so that present our vigor and our vitality. Although our department was pass through the throe of combination, but we were still proud of our abundant Chinese literature resources and strict Chinese literature education.

Basic Education Goals 

  • Enhance ability of language and training a person with great language talent.
  • Broaden their vision and fulfill their knowledge.
  • Knowing the Chinese culture from ancient times to the present and pass down it to the future.

 Specialized ability

We anticipate our students to have the following ability:
  • Understanding the essence of Chinese language andachieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the Chinese history.
  • Have ability to well use of Chinese classical literature.
  • Have ability to read and judge.
  • Have ability to write, create and research.
  • Have providence and concerned our society.

I.     Education Goals in Every Programs: 

Program Goal
Undergraduate Program
1. Establish solid language foundation and nurture professionals.
2. Develop macro-thinking ability and enhance feeling toward humanity.
3. Comprehend ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature and pass on Chinese literature.
Master Program for     Chinese Language and Literature
1. Establish solid language foundation and nurture professionals
2. Expand academic vision and establish research ability
3. Develop macro-thinking ability and enhance feeling toward humanity.
4. Comprehend ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature and pass on Chinese literature.
Master Program for Folk Literature
1. Nurture research talents of folk literature and promote local culture and education.
2. Nurture training personnel for fieldwork and promote the plan of local thorough development
3. Nurture talents of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research, open pluralistic-learning culture and create new research topics.
4. Participate in the collection and integration of resources for folk literature and enrich research resources for Taiwanese folk culture.
Extensive Master Program of Chinese Language and Literature (Summer Program)
1. Advance in-service teachers’ professional knowledge of language.
2. Combine theory and practice and develop language teaching strategies.
3. Cultivate independent research ability of language teaching.
PH.D. Programfor    Chinese Language and Literature
1. Establish solid language foundation and nurture professionals
2. Expand academic vision and establish research ability
3. Develop macro-thinking ability and enhance feeling toward humanity.
4. Comprehend ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature and pass on Chinese literature.
PH.D. Program for Folk Literature
1. Nurture research talents of folk literature and promote local culture and education.
2. Nurture training personnel for fieldwork and promote the plan of local thorough development
3. Nurture talents of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research, open pluralistic-learning culture and create new research topics.
4. Participate in the collection and integration of resources for folk literature and enrich research resources for Taiwanese folk culture.

II.       Overview of Students’ Professional Competence 
Program Students’ Professional Competence
Undergraduate Program
A. Master the characteristics and development context for Chinese language and possess the scholar-literature ability of using classical literature.
B. Possess reading, appreciating and criticizing capabilities.
C. Possess writing, creating and expressing abilities.
D. Cultivate the ability of creative thinking and enrich visual thinking.
E. Possess independent and problem-solving logical thinking ability
F. Expand the humanistic vision for ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature, master cultural movement and practice affairs for social care. 
Master Program for    Chinese Language and Literature
A. Possess the scholarly abilities of literature interpretation, speculation and elaboration.
B. Examine books of Chinese literature and their genres and construct coherently the historical point of view for Chinese literature.
C. Examine Chinese-thinking books and their ideological doctrines and determine clearly the dialectical ideology.
D. Examine development context of Chinese language and view and conclude thoroughly evolutional patterns.
E. Examine the relationship between the theory and practice of Chinese language and cultivate practical ability.
F. Possess communicative and conversational abilities for academic community.
G. Possess the reflective-thinking ability for humanistic tradition and the skill for research practice.
Master Program for Folk Literature
A. Possess the abilities of academic knowledge and research application.
B. Possess problem-realizing and actual-handling abilities.
C. Possess the abilities of communication and academic integration.
D Possess the abilities of coherent understanding and creation expansion.
E. Possess the abilities of local sentiment and humanity care.
Extensive Master Program of Chinese Language and Literature (Summer Program)
A. Possess the professional knowledge for the interpretation, analysis and research of Chinese textbooks.
B. Develop Chinese language teaching strategies and cultivate the ability of creative language teaching.
C. Cultivate the teaching-research abilities for listening, speaking, reading and writing.
D. Explore ancient and modern Children’s literature to enrich language-teaching connotation.
E. Explore academic areas for Chinese language and open the macro-perspective for language teaching.
PH.D. Program for     Chinese Language and Literature
A. Possess the scholarly abilities of literature interpretation, speculation and elaboration.
B. Examine books of Chinese literature and their genres and construct coherently the historical point of view for Chinese literature.
C. Examine Chinese-thinking books and their ideological doctrines and determine clearly the dialectical ideology.
D. Examine development context of Chinese language and view and conclude thoroughly evolutional patterns.
E. Examine the relationship between the theory and practice of Chinese language and cultivate practical ability.
F. Possess communicative and conversational abilities for academic community.
G. Possess the reflective-thinking ability for humanistic tradition and the skill for research practice.
PH.D. Program for Folk Literature
A. Possess the abilities of academic knowledge and research application.
B. Possess problem-realizing and actual-handling abilities.
C. Possess the abilities of communication and academic integration.
D Possess the abilities of coherent understanding and creation expansion.
E. Possess the abilities of local sentiment and humanity care.

